Lazy Webmaster’s Site Content Tracker

Here’s stuff I SHOULD be working on but am probably putting off because I suck at running this site.

Oh, Britta's in This?
Videos In Progress
"Best of Britta" videos for each season of Community.
Season one part one done.

Streamline merchandise backend
Backend On Hold
Streamline and unify the backend code for the merch pages to make them easier to work with.
It's a mess lol.

Switch quotes pages over to new setup
Quotes Pages On Hold
Go through and add/move all the quotes over to the ACF versions so they can be included in the random quote list.
Community S1: 12/25
Community S2-S6: not started
RaM S1: finished
RaM S2-S5: Not even added at all yet
HQ: Need to switch to updated design/code and add pages.
Great Minds: Barely anything related to this show has been added.

Finish episode and character page code
Backend Finished
Finish the backend code to make it easier to show characters and cast on episode pages.
It's like 75% done.

Character bios
Character Pages On Hold
Write actual character bios instead of the placeholder ones most of them currently have.
Expect that sometime between now and the end of existence.

HarmonQuest Season One Episodes
Episode Pages Finished
New episode pages for HarmonQuest season one

This is wrinkling my brain
Videos Not Started
Bet of Troy video series for Youtube
THAT'S wrinkling my brain!

The Annie of it all
Videos Not Started
Best of Annie video series for Youtube
Might start before finishing Britta videos.

I'll make your ASS sense!
Videos Not Started
Best of Shirley video series for Youtube

Cool. Cool cool cool.
Videos Not Started
Best of Abed video series for Youtube.

Grumpy Old Men but not HILARIOUS
Videos Not Started
Best of Pierce video series for Youtube

Why can't you be cool like me?
Videos Not Started
Best of Jeff video series for Youtube

Great Minds Episodes
Episode Pages Not Started
Update/add pages for all the episodes.
Wish they were still on Youtube...

Great Minds Characters
Character Pages Not Started
Character pages for Great Minds.
Shouldn't take would think.

Other Pages In Progress
Make the show page for "Krapopolis."
Needs a real description of the show and other things.

Fixing Myself
Backend Not Started
Fixing my life so I can work on things like this site instead of continuing to circle the drain... that will ever happen...