A terrible fan site for Dan's shows and other things related to him
Promo Photos for 3×13 and 3×14 available at the forums!
The promo photos are available for all to see at the forums! 3×13 3×14 *spoilers*
The promo photos are available for all to see at the forums! 3×13 3×14 *spoilers*
iTunes has the whole season in HD for $19.99, that’s a pretty good price to get every episode after the day after it airs. And in HD. Link
At last, Community has returned to us. This brand new episode delivered everything we have been craving for the last 3 months – laughs, love and Abed and Troy being weird by being normal. Rating: B+
Cool, Cool Cool Cool.
Come join the fun at the forum!
Starting in fall 2013 Comedy Central will air episodes from the first three seasons, hell yeah man! Now let’s hope there’s a nice fifth season of new episodes to go with it at the same time.
This is the best thing I’ve ever seen. Forum thread
Check out the forums to see more promo pics for the March 15th return of Community!
Update: Update: @paleycenter “Dan announces new animated webisodes will air on nbc.com and hulu — and shows a 10 second clip of one.” Update: The live stream will start at 10:35 PM, they’re showing a new episode now apparently. It…
Community returns March 15th @ 8PM on NBC.